Dental Checkups and Teeth Cleanings – The Colony, TX
The Foundation of Dental Care
How long has it been since your last checkup and cleaning? If it’s been longer than six months, then it’s time for your next visit to our dental office in The Colony! These routine appointments are the foundation of dental care since they ensure plaque is cleared away and oral health problems are treated as early as possible. If you want to schedule an appointment, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. If you want to learn more about the importance of preventive dentistry, then read on.
Why are Regular Dental Checkups & Cleanings Important?

Even if you brush and floss your teeth religiously, you still need to come see us here at Ridgepointe Dental at least twice a year for a checkup and cleaning. Why? Well, there are a few reasons! First, your teeth and mouth have many hard-to-reach surfaces that your toothbrush and floss simply aren’t able to clean. Over time, they gather plaque and food particles that can eventually cause tooth decay and gum disease. Coming in for a routine exam every six months will ensure Dr. Austin Amos catches any issues you might have before they can cause any real damage to your smile, helping preserve your teeth over the course of your life.
What to Expect During a Dental Checkup

At your dental checkup, you’ll meet with Dr. Amos one-on-one. After catching up with you and asking you a few questions about your oral health, he’ll take a look at your X-rays and perform an oral exam. In the process, he’ll look for the signs of common dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and loose restorations. Additionally, he’ll take a look at your tongue, the back of your throat, and the soft tissue in your mouth, scanning for signs of oral cancer in the process. If any follow-up care is needed, he’ll let you know. Otherwise, he’ll answer any questions you have, and your checkup will be complete!
What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning

The second portion of your routine visit is dedicated to the cleaning. At this time, one of our talented, gentle, and knowledgeable dental hygienists will use special instruments to clean your mouth, focusing on the problem areas to make sure your smile is both clean and protected. After clearing away stubborn plaque and tartar, they will floss between each tooth and apply a polish to remove stubborn surface stains. When they are done, your smile will feel revitalized!
Ready to schedule your next checkup? Have a question for our team about your dental care? Either way, the next step is simple: give us a call!