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Ridgepointe Dental Blog

Invisalign Liberties: 3 Freedoms That Come with Clear Aligners

April 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — ridgepointedental @ 4:59 pm
Set of clear aligners on a dark reflective surface

Invisalign has earned a reputation as a clear alternative to tried-and-true braces because of the unique advantages it provides. Traditional orthodontics involves permanently bonding metal brackets to your teeth for the duration of your treatment. These are threaded with an archwire that’s adjusted to apply the right pressure to shift your pearly whites into their ideal places.

Meanwhile, Invisalign consists of transparent plastic aligner trays that are customized to fit over your teeth to gently reposition them. Many patients choose this option specifically because it’s a more visually discrete way to straighten their smiles, but that’s not the only benefit it offers. Continue reading to learn about 3 additional freedoms that come with choosing clear aligners!


A Guide on Meeting Your 22-Hour Wear Time with Invisalign

March 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — ridgepointedental @ 1:31 pm
Woman placing clear aligner on top teeth

At first, having between two and four hours each day aligner-free sounds like more than enough. Once you start calculating the time you need for three meals, some snacks, and your oral hygiene regimen, however, you’ll quickly realize that’s not much time at all! The good news is that there are a few simple steps you can take to meet your 22-hour wear time with Invisalign with ease. Read on to learn what they are!


Here’s Why Dentures Aren’t Just for Seniors

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — ridgepointedental @ 9:11 pm

While people become more likely to lose teeth as they age, younger adults can also lose them due to injuries or infections. Dentures are an incredibly lifelike and comfortable way to address tooth loss, and while they are most often associated with older people, younger adults can also use them. Here’s a brief guide to how dentures can help adults of any age enjoy having a full and beautiful smile!


Children’s Dental Health Month: 3 Oral Hygiene Products You Can Get for Your Little One

January 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — ridgepointedental @ 2:10 pm
Child and parent brushing teeth in bathroom

Did you know that February is Children’s Dental Health Month? That means now is a great time to think about steps you could be taking to help your child protect their teeth and gums. For many parents, this can mean picking up a variety of kid-friendly oral hygiene products. Below, your dentist has given 3 examples of such products that are worth keeping an eye out for if you want the best for your child’s smile.


Should I Schedule My Dental Checkup Early This Year?

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ridgepointedental @ 11:57 pm
Dentist smiles

New Year’s resolutions are popular ways for people to get motivated for self-improvement. While many might resolve to quit smoking, write that novel, or start going to the gym regularly this year, it’s also a great idea to get on top of your oral hygiene. A huge part of taking proper care of your teeth is having regular dental exams and cleanings from your dentist. Here are a few reasons why scheduling your next dental checkup earlier in the year can help you keep smiling brightly in the later months.


4 Foods & Drinks You Should Avoid If You Have Dentures This Holiday Season

November 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ridgepointedental @ 9:12 am
a closeup of eggnog and walnuts

The holiday season brings happiness, festivities, and of course, an abundance of delicious foods! But for those with dentures, indulging in certain holiday foods and drinks may require some special consideration—or might need to be ruled out altogether. Dentures demand special care to ensure comfort, longevity, and that your smile looks and functions its best. Continue reading below to learn more about a few of the festive foods and drinks you should be mindful of this season, in order to preserve your new smile.


What Are Some Foods That Can Easily Chip My Teeth?

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ridgepointedental @ 10:56 pm
Woman has curious expression

America is known as both a cultural melting pot and a salad bowl, and because it has so many different cultures living together, this country has a wealth of food options to choose from. Grocery stores, restaurants, and gas stations offer snacks, meals, and ingredients to suit every taste and dietary need. However, some popular foods can be harmful to your smile if you aren’t careful. Here’s a short list of foods that can damage your teeth and how to keep your grin safe when you are snacking or dining.


Angry Red and Sugar-Fed: Here Are Some Fun Facts About Gum Disease

September 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ridgepointedental @ 8:57 pm
Man with tooth pain

Gum disease starts with inflammation of the gums called gingivitis, causing them to swell, bleed, and take on a fiery red color. If left untreated, it can lead to a worse infection called periodontitis, which can cause bad breath, tooth loss, and erosion of the jawbone. While your dentist is well-equipped to stop gum disease in its tracks and teach you ways to avoid it in the future, knowing a little bit more about it now might help you decide to take some appropriate precautions. In the spirit of Gum Care Month this September, here are some interesting facts about periodontitis so that you can better protect your smile from its negative consequences.


5 Back-to-School Tips for Your Smile

August 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ridgepointedental @ 12:37 am
Woman smiling with a toothbrush

Now that school is back in session, it’s time to get back into a good routine. It’s always a good idea to get to bed early, have time scheduled for homework, and have well-balanced meals to give you the energy to get through the day. Another thing that you should be implementing into your routine is an excellent oral hygiene regimen. Here are some back-to-school tips to keep your smile as healthy and happy as possible.


How to Get Your Summer Smile with Invisalign

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:53 pm
Girl holding a clear aligner in front of her smile

Have you always wanted straight teeth without the hassle of traditional braces? There’s an easier way to get the smile you’ve always wanted: Invisalign! These clear aligners are a simple, more comfortable solution to crooked or misaligned teeth than having metal brackets and wires in your mouth for over a year. If you’ve finally got some time on your hands, it’s better to start now than later! Here’s why it’s time to get your summer smile with Invisalign!

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