Invisalign has earned a reputation as a clear alternative to tried-and-true braces because of the unique advantages it provides. Traditional orthodontics involves permanently bonding metal brackets to your teeth for the duration of your treatment. These are threaded with an archwire that’s adjusted to apply the right pressure to shift your pearly whites into their ideal places.
Meanwhile, Invisalign consists of transparent plastic aligner trays that are customized to fit over your teeth to gently reposition them. Many patients choose this option specifically because it’s a more visually discrete way to straighten their smiles, but that’s not the only benefit it offers. Continue reading to learn about 3 additional freedoms that come with choosing clear aligners!
Liberty #1: Eat What You Want
When you have braces, there are several foods that you must steer clear of to avoid harming the brittle brackets. It’s recommended that you avoid anything overly hard, sticky, or sugary because it can damage your dental equipment.
With Invisalign, you’re free to eat whatever you like because you remove the trays for meals. That means there’s nothing that’s truly considered off-limits. That said, you should rinse your mouth after eating so that you don’t trap bits of food against your gums when you put your aligners back in afterward.
Liberty #2: Be Socially Active
It’s not uncommon to feel self-conscious about your appearance when you have braces. As if overcrowded and crooked teeth weren’t enough, now you’re also worried about how others will respond to shining metal in your mouth. You might find yourself holding back smiles or shying away from conversations as a result.
Invisalign doesn’t draw the same unwanted attention, so you’re less likely to worry about how people perceive you. You’ll feel much more able to talk and laugh out loud and therefore less likely to avoid social interactions.
Liberty #3: Experience Less Discomfort
Whether you have Invisalign or traditional orthodontics, you’re bound to feel a certain amount of aching. Anything that applies enough pressure to move your teeth is bound to cause some discomfort. That said, if you have braces, you also must cope with the additional frustration of poking wires and the sharp edges of metal brackets. These notoriously dig into the soft tissues in your mouth and create raw spots that can become infected if not cared for properly.
Fortunately, Invisalign is made of smooth plastic that won’t irritate the inside of your cheeks or lips. Furthermore, the initial throbbing that happens when you first apply a new set of aligners fades within a few days which makes this a much more appealing option.
Although both methods can give you a perfectly even grin, Invisalign comes with unique advantages that have made it a highly popular solution!
About the Author
Dr. Austin Amos provides a full range of top-quality services, including Invisalign, to patients of all ages under one roof. He is a graduate of Austin College in Sherman and obtained a law degree from the University of Texas. He then earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Texas School of Dentistry in Houston. He continues to develop his skills with ongoing educational classes and training, so you know you’re in good hands. Plus, he combines state-of-the-art technology with a welcoming environment to enhance patient comfort while increasing the accuracy of treatments and results. If you’re interested in Invisalign and would like a consultation, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (972) 625-4746.